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Welcome to WebClassroom.  Each of you comes from widely varied geographic regions and experiential backgrounds.  It is exciting to think about the different perspectives and expertise that you will contribute to this community of learning.  You are participating in an experience that is in some ways uncharted territory.  As we work together we are bound to experience misunderstandings(what in the world is that teacher talking about?), encounter technical problems ( I know I saved that file somewhere before my computer crashed!) and struggle with personal time constraints (when am I going to find time to get that reading done?).  If we don't encounter at least a little of that, I'd be a bit concerned.  It seems like true learning is always pretty messy.

Course Purpose

The basic purpose of this course is to provide you with basic knowledge, skills, and tools needed to deliver effective instruction through the World Wide Web. When we endeavor to learn about instructional technologies it is very easy to have the "technology" demand far more attention than the "instruction".  Concerns about "getting that software to work" or "how do I get that image to show up on my page" frequently distracts teachers from giving adequate thought to the principles of good teaching.  Instruction is overwelmed by technology instead of being served by it.  In this course, we will attempt to prevent that from happening through conscientious, calculated effort to minimize the complexity of the technology.  Technology should be as painless as possible.

Course Instructional Methodology

Possibly more important than this course's instructional activities (readings, discussions, projects, etc.) is its instructional medium.  What better environment to learn about online instruction than an online class?  Keep an eye out (with notepad handy) for the things that work well in this course and the things that don't work so well.  When it comes time for you to deliver your own web-based instruction you can hopefully make use of this first-hand experience and avoid some of the mistakes that I have made.

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