WHITS End is a web-based system that allows teachers and students to view student schedules.   Westside High School's modular scheduling system is managed by a custom computer program created decades ago.  It contains no output capabilities except printing and the export of 6 key data files.  WHITS End is a Filemaker based system that uses time-scheduled AppleScripts to import data from the scheduler, process the data, and assemble it into FileMaker Pro database records (over 65,000 records, in fact).  The Filemaker web server then assembles and serves out the schedules to web browsers.

The schedule for the current day of the week is highlighted in blue in the web interface.

Note:  This system was created about seven years ago and is still in operation as it was created back then.   The processing of the data originally took nearly 8 hours (we had it set to operate over night) on the processors of that day.    The same system running on today's computers takes about 20 minutes to process the data.

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